590-32AC35-103 Honeywell Industrial Temperature Sensors THERMISTOR PROB ASSY Surface +/-0.2

Part Nnumber
Industrial Temperature Sensors THERMISTOR PROB ASSY Surface +/-0.2
Basic price
51,89 EUR

The product with part number 590-32AC35-103 (Industrial Temperature Sensors THERMISTOR PROB ASSY Surface +/-0.2) is from company Honeywell and distributed with basic unit price 51,89 EUR. Minimal order quantity is 1 pc, Approx. production time is 14 weeks, Custom Tariff 9025801000.

Accuracy: 0.2 C Function: Surface Temperature Sensing Mounting Style: Screw Product: Temperature Probes Resistance: 10 kOhms Series: 500 Standard Pack Qty: 25 Temperature Range: - 60 C to + 150 C

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