3450RC 83760022 Honeywell Thermostats Commercial Thermal

Part Nnumber
3450RC 83760022
Thermostats Commercial Thermal
Basic price
11,94 EUR

The product with part number 3450RC 83760022 (Thermostats Commercial Thermal) is from company Honeywell and distributed with basic unit price 11,94 EUR. Minimal order quantity is 1 pc, Approx. production time is 10 weeks, Custom Tariff 8536509065.

Accuracy: 2.8 C, 5 C Closing Temp: 85 C Current Rating: 15 A, 10 A Function: Open on Rise Opening Temp: 100 C Product: Ceramic Automatic Reset Thermostats Series: 3450RC Standard Pack Qty: 10 Temperature Range: 0 C to + 260 C Voltage Rating: 120 VAC, 240 VAC

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